Plus 15

Name:- Plus 15
Location:- Calgary Alberta Canada

The way Plus 15 Calgary downtown connects the business & protects people from getting exposed to bad weather. In today’s pandemic situation when uncertainty is certain, cost-saving, improving bottom-line became the norm for most of the busines

PSG- Project Services Global continuously helps clients improve their bottom line & profit margins.”

“With minimal to no overhead cost we provide services throughout the project life cycle from start to finish.”

Same as Calgary plus 15 PSG serve the purpose of connecting clients & our SME to protecting client interest & helps improve their bottom line.

Social distancing

also called “physical distancing,” which means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. To practice social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms' length) from other people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces.

practicing social distancing has brought extra burden on the companies as the occupancy level (30%-50%-100%) in the office brings its challenges. Hence company like ours which gives full flexibility to its team member to optimize the technology to its full extent & respect option like working from home, or in isolation with minimal to no physical interaction.

Back to new normal

As we all learned how to live with some of the deadly viruses in the past, we must adopt the new normal with precaution & respect to each other (meanwhile the vaccination is getting discovered)

Private consultant option is win-win for all, as they have a good level of maturity, understanding, practical work experience, innovation & implication of ideas based on modern technology tools, etc.

At PSG we have a team of experts in their domain which forms a nice ecosystem towards an innovative, collaborative environment. Which is very cost-effective as PSG have zero to no overhead cost.

Stay Safe

It's better to be safe than sorry, respect social distancing to minimize acquaintances with coronavirus, wear PPE (Mask, etc), avoid unnecessary social physical gathering.


“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”